You can configure ACRE2 features to your needs. Launch Arma 3 through the shortcut you created.Create a new shortcut for Arma 3, or edit an existing one, and add and to the -mod parameter.In the dialogue that appears, navigate to your Arma 3 installation folder and select the folder.Launch the Arma 3 Launcher, go the the Mods menu, and click to add a local mod.Proceed with Arma 3 Launcher or a manual Shortcut creation.Delete any current folder and then paste in the folder you from the extracted.Navigate to your Arma 3 installation folder.Download from the latest version and extract the.Launch TeamSpeak 3 and assure the ACRE2 plugin is enabled in the Settings -> Plugins window.A pop-up will appear describing what the process did. ACRE2 will try to copy the plugins to your TeamSpeak 3 installation directory.Subscribe to ACRE2 on Steam (make sure you are also subscribed to CBA_A3).Tip: Steam or community-provided installation methods are recommended over manual setup for ease of use.